omg!!!i'm nemo???i'm nemo???
heyya..~ ok...blogging is pretty fun..once i find out how 2 get into my login in under 30minutes. yes. im still a hopeless blog case.hahahaha. wow. got school tomorrow..sheesh..extra lecture. tension...must "relac". lyke so super laid back alreadY...i think i better START studying. ok..but im oh so super lazy to.
'sinking, falling, dont let me break, save me from my unblithe fate'<--dunno where i got tt from,just made it up and pasted it on irc. hehehe. pple must think im some lovestruck being, so lost in clear whichever stranger's doubts...i am not in love. nopes. nah-uh. ok. feel lyke a small kid. r the reasons why: 1. dont think anyone wld fall for me...i mean..look at me!!ahahaha and 2. wadd da hell? relationships r a waste of time...~. yeps. my very own theory. i am anti-relationship. it justs causes pple to fall head first into hot soup. no, it aint abt finding ur's abt testing ur own level of tolerance...ahahaha. yes..i am went to time!!! well..earlier then some other pple...*wonder who*. well, alomost no life now. gotta teach tt bratty p6 girl..she's a real dumbo. especially in english. i did not choose to teach her..i am committed to teach her. and that suxx.coz she's lousy in everything. could just die. doing this for me yeye. yeye is not my grandpa..for those of you who know abt him..good. if not..shall enlighten you. my "yeye" is my mom's cousin. cant rememebr when i started calling him yeye..but when i started..i neva knew it meant grandpa. so accustomed to it alreadY.heh. woah..rite dad has made me into a comic book junkie. he goes and borrows tons of comic books from the orhcard library. my favs...X-men, batman. wow...batman is my alltime fav, used to have tons of the toys..(still do) nuts. hMmM...sounding so ultra bimbotic. sheesh. ok. just thinking abt rena. wonder wad she's up to now. enjoying herself? missing her friends? ij friendS? or the vj friends? it seems weird..i sense that she's closer to the vjc pple.yea. especially when she patronised their "close-knit" friendship, by wearing that blasted "recsrox" tee..that SHE designed for them. i jealous or waD? no..i aint jealous..i just feel that..pple changed. all of us have. some for the better, others for the worse...and yet more are unrecognizable. okok. im just feeling bitter that some idiots think that just becoz u dont cry means ur not sad that a good friend is departing the country. wad da fuck lar. pple grieve in different ways man. can't you understand tt? wad's more...u know im a person who lykes to put on a happy front, so why cant you just accept it? i mean...sheesh. it's been just over 6 months...and i feel as though we've all lost a thousand years between we grow, we grow to suit different pple. our personalities change. but i feel the only change i've made is to be a little more introverted...a first ever for me. guess poly is a wee bit intimidating. the vast amounts of pple and their different characters....very intrigueing. well...shall stop here. just feeling inferior. no..not the rite word. feeling...out of placE? well..sometimes. even a little lonely at times. though im getting quite accustomed to loneliness these past few months. but, i guess there isnt a choice. ok. some pple have problems, and they think their the only ones with problems. heh. rubbish. wateva it is, wateva problems and difficulties we have to face, there wld always be someone out there in this world who would be facing a similar situation. we cant be selfish and think only we understand ourselves. coz...that suxx.yea. shall stop being so chatty it still nite?
which nemo character

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is it fate or waD? i'm nemo? i'm nemo? wad da hell....this is sucha scam. their all just out to get me. sheesh.
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