FUCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FUCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!FUUUUUCCCKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!I AM SO SCREWED. lost my hse keys. tt sux. and i know my mom gets into a bombardous mood when i make "trivial" mistakes lyke this. well. she did. great huh. now i cant go out at all during this 2 weeks study break. suxx. fuck her. fuck fuck fuck
it just dropped outta my bag. how am i supposed to know? fuck. cant go out. if i do wanna leave the hse..gotta leave b4 or same time as the last person who leaves the hse. fuck it. lucky friday im going back 2 sec sch. then at least can go out after c. bio test. fuck. how can i do this 2 myself??? how could she do this 2 me??? ok..my mistake. careless. but wad the fuck does she want me to learn from this? responsibility by locking me in the hse? fucking pissed. at least she didnt cane me to death. bet if this happened last yr, i wld be dead by now. pple scared of their dads' abusing them..im shit ass terrrified of me mom. suxx. i can fight her off, but if i do..i would just be in for more shit. so why put up a fight when im in a lose-lose situation? sheesh. it aint fair. but who said life would be easY? ok..fucking off to bed. no..gonna watch tv. urgh. hating everything rite now. no. not really. just my mother - fucker.
care bear me

Gay Bear
Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
i'm a gay beaR? wadD?just because i lyke purple doesnt mean im gaybear! ahaha..nothing against the gays..but...a carebear tt's crooked? wad is this world comig to.but at least this is funny. cheer myself up. better being "gay"(both denotative and connotative) then to be gloomy and pissed.rite?
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