no, don't be filthy-minded people. it's 'Middlesex' by Jeffrey Eugenides. just purchased it today, and it rocks. can't wait to complete it. hey, a story about a hermaphodite, how shitty does that sound? not one bit, it's a pulitzer prize winning book, and i only realized that after i bought it, and saw the pulitzer stamp on the cover. guess im pretty blind. oh yea. the gay guy at the counter tole me it was *puts on arty-farty posh accent* 'wonderful book, i read it. it's excellent. enjoy!'. teehee. i was quite pleased it was a good read, i finally have enough cash to buy 'angels and demons' by dan brown, yet it seems to be sold out. all u fuckers who just discovered dan brown, to hell with u. i eyed that book way before i thought about davinci code. damnit. well, this read is just as good, or maybe better. oh, alvin and i have very different perspectives on good readings. ahahhaa. ask him about it, let him enlighten you. it's hilarious. i had to offer to go to information and ask them where i can find the prequel to some *insert genre here* book he wanted, well, you wouldnt exactly expect a guy to be interested in that sort of book you see. ahahahhahaa. hilarity of it. ok alvin, sorry i fell asleep!!! my fucking brother never wake me up. fuck balls. ok, going to go huddle up in a dusty corner of my room and read away. yay!!!

Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides
copyright my ass
before i go, remember the frogs? well, just my luck. woke up early this morning and dr. brady barr, renowned herpetologist, was on NGC. what did he explore todaY? the wonders of being able to train crocs, moniter lizards and *drumroll please*....FROGS! and guess what? they showed the exact same frogs i have posted below! yay! elation...yay! it was intrigueing, training them to listen to whistles and such, so that it would be easier to give check ups, instead of wrestling or forcing these creatures into cages, as both parties might get hurt in the process. omg, training frogs was the hardest, coz their literally pea-brained. but, wow! wow! and then 'wild island' followed that show. they showed the daily happenings at the singapore zoo. can you believe the zoo only has one skunk? and it's because the police confiscated it from a flat. well, i really want exotic animals,, but im not insane to pick a skunk. oooh, and i didnt know slow loris were native to singapore, and people actually catch them and send them to the zoo. how cute. one of them was dropped off anonymously in a pink dustbin looking basket, and the person threw a banana in, probably thinking it was a monkey. they are such docile creatures, though they are primates, their more closely associated with the other genre of primates, the sloth family. ok, shall go update my personal research file. now i wanna scout around for a slow loris of my own. they were so gentle when the vet was handling them, i was impressed. for a wild creature, it was timid. and didnt struggle one bit. okok. shall stop boring everyone with my shite. going to read.
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