it's a picture

copyright my ass
happy birthday to you rena! dont know if you'll get to read this at all, maybe you will, well, but hope it's on time! anyhow, you can right-click and save the image, adn enlarge it, if you cant read the itsy words, knowing you, you can't see them!!! anyhow, you're 18!!! finally, now it's only trina left....she's the dancing queen...young n sweet only 17! yes. ahaha. and as everyone can see, my photoshop skills suck big time! oooh! before i forget!!! did u get it rena? shits, i should email you, but later! i think your suprise is gonna be a couple of days late! blame the silly post office! okok, my fault, posted late! still!!! hope you like it and well, reminisce!!! would love to see the look of surprise when you read it. ahaha. okok. shant give anything away, just in case u do read this before it arrives. have si much fun and enjoyment on this wondrous day of yours, and yeps, make sure shawn takes super good care of you, you should be 'princess-for-a-day'. missing you like crazy back here!!!!!! it's probably not yet the 19th there, but hey! it is here! so happy bday once again!!!!!!
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