my bitch and i
copyright my ass
hey-ho to all of you!!!it's so freaking early, and i've been up since abt 8am yesterday till now. nearly 24hrs. insomnia. not really, but im gonna burn my days away. havent done maths tutotrial. havent revised for maths retest. my main concern.
oh, posted the photo coz i was so proud of making a new discovery!!! webcams are capable of capturing still shots!!! i didnt know that!!! ok, call me lame or whatever, but to me it's amazing. so i just had to show off my effort. haha. guess waD? great, i cant rmb what i wanted to type. guess my brain is zonked. nvm, be happy with my face over here!!! ain' that a beaute? ahaha, stupid jo imitating crocodile hunter has rubbed off on me now.
ouch! my throat is so darn sore. my voice is not husky, but it's the kind of sore throat that feels like a razor blade is stuck down ur throat. ouch ouch. painful. i had trouble downing a sandwich today. this is a sign from god. a good and innovative way to lose weight as well as save money. excellent. yes, today i took a bus all the way to school. coz i smartly topped up my concession,than realized i had no more money to buy anything else. no lunch, no taxi. it would be stupid to get a taxi to go home and get money, than turn back to go to school. so just braved the public transport and went on my way. im sucha cow.
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