it's wrong. human instinct tells us that it's wrong to euthanize fellow human beings, or what we call mercy killings. yet, how could we be so insensitive to animals? ok, im not saying it's wrong to put terminally ill creatures out of their misery, but perfectly healthy ones? it's plain wrong. like alligators. just because they pose a threat to the residents of that particular area, it deosnt mean that he ought to be put to sleep. in fact, as im watching this, this reptile is pretty tame. it doesnt snap at humans, it only eats human food, not humans. how do i know this? because when the stupid commercial trapper tries to lure it with pork loins, it merely swims away. but when bread or marshmallows are tossed into the water, it laps it up like a happy child. but seriosuly, it takes two hands to clap. why the hell are pple feeding these creatures? and why would you need to euthanize the poor thing, when you could actually put it in a conservation centre.
cruelty to animals is on the rise. as sadistic as i can get, i dont think im heartless enough to marr the beauty of true nature. unlike the white mice that are born and bred in the lab, and are meant to die, these other animals are born to live. to carry out the beauty that is mother nature. i might be crazy to say this, but i think im insanely jealous of conservationists. i have no more mood to type abt animal cruelty. it's heart-breaking, yet i wanna explore more of it, as in, i want to catch pple in the act. i think has to do with tt video of several china workers skinning minks and other fluffy animals alive. alive. jsut ripping out their fur. quite cool, but inhumane.
i wanna go live with the pikas in the mountains.
p.s: skinned again. blog-skinned that is. not bad. the picture is enrapturing man.
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