eluding the real me

aqualung - jethro tull
the bravery - out of line
baha men - best years of our lives
micheal buble & nelly furtado - quando quando quando
rogue wave - endless shovel


Thursday, December 08, 2005

i need to complain...because im a whiny arse

everything is suddenly becoming very interesting. very indeed. anyhow, life is not as sweet as it turned out to be. i still have to settle an interview for my fyp. boo. think i had better go read up on some lab techniques or smthg. im totally clueless in the lab. anyhow, enough about school.

news!!! going to bangkok tmr. and no, it's not very funny when you've heard countless people reply you with "gonna Bang-Cock arh? HAHA." so not funny. hope to find smthg worth buying. actually, imnot very psched on going, due to my family. 2 days, it's been two days that i havent had dinner. i have to resort to foraging around the kitchen and cabinets to look for snacks. yesterday's dinner was like 3 mini packs of goldfish biscuits, and a cup of hot cocoa with extra marshmallows. i have to lament about my lack of food, bcoz food is so essential to me. i love food. MMmmm.

let me rant about my godforsaken brother. i dont know if he reads my blog, but i dont invade his privacy by reading his blog, so he shldnt mind. frankly, i dont care if he does or not. screw him. i dont know when it began, but over the last yr or 2 he suddenly became an arrogant prig. ok, i realize i have short writing spans nowadays. i always wanna get on to the next topic. enough of my bro. not worthy of my time. one day i'll jsut punch him. but i think he's stronger than me now. urgh. maybe kick him in the balls and run. okok, enough evil thoughts.

the redecoration of my room and living room is underway when we come back from vacation. so that means major cleaning of my room. i hate that. cleaning. i like living in my filth. i really do. but i have no choice but to clean up now. because apparently, someone is going to live in my room with me. and i sooooo have to tell someone about it. but i cant. my mom says it has to be a secret. but it doesnt matter to pple who dont know her right? it's gonna be quite weird having her staying in my room with me. ok, i just deleted like 40 lines of my ramblings about her. just because i wanna be on the safe side. what if she asks to use my laptop and chances upon my blog and sees what i wrote? omfg. she wld throttle me. hahahahaa. ok, for starters she's my cousin. i know alot abt her, despite not seeing her for over six years now. she's really much older than i am, alot of my cousins are anyway. urgh. too lazy to blog now. just received some 'the juliana theory' songs from avril, and they are awesome!!!! pls listen to them. omg. won't regret!!! trust me.

over and out boys and girls. till i return on monday!!!


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