im on cloud nine just listening to these sappy pop babes of yesterday. ahahahha. you must be a liar if u said you;ve never listend to a spice girls song before, or that u were never a fan ofthem, bcoz i bet everyone was swept away by these ladies of pop, who beat the beatles record of selling their first single. WANNABE. yea, omg, im ecstatic!!!! it's like im stuck in limbo, and i dont want it to stop. ahahahahaa. dont deny me this love.....bcoz their so great. i can
sing along to practically every song ever sung by them. after they broke up, i still suported their musical endeavours. mel c. being my al time fav. i liked mel b. too. but her songs didnt fly of the shelves. geri had a good album too, and emma bunton had two good albums. mrs victoria beckham is rich beyond belief, so songs dont really need to support her. im happy mel c. has the new album out too.

i think im spice mad. lalalala. so if u wanna get a spice girls song, jsut ask me, since i uploaded wadever cd i have of theirs into my humble little itunes library....yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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