PCK - Pui! Choy! Kanasai!!!

it's a NO NO!!!
copyright my ass
oh my god!!! i can't begin to express great regret in going to watch this musical!!! in fact, it was a bore, not a single laugh could be squeezed out of me. perhaps a few smiles now and then, but it just wasn't up to standard. thank god i didnt have to pay a cent for this blasted show, it wasn't worth it. tell me, would you pay to watch a show that promotes patriotism? loyalty to our narrow-minded, iron-fisted society? no, am i right? that is why NDP tickets are free-of-charge. but this, omg, it was beyond hope. lame jokes and cheesy lines are understandable, the scriptwrite must have been either a greenhorn or just past his prime, but including little messgaes on the 5 defences of singapore, and, disgustedly centering the entire plot on the big birthday, which in act isn't Pck's 40th, but they were hinting, wait, let me put it correctly, blatantly telling you that singapore's 40th is coming up soon, and that, we should be planning little surprise parties for our homeland, and make sure we dont forget what a loooong way we've come.
i think i may be the first one to blog about this tonight. PCK: the musical. my arse lar. a warning to all of you out there, to think tt i actually took the effort to make that little sign up there, means that you all should take heed - DO NOT WATCH PCK: THE MUSICAL!!! no matter how cheap the tix may be, or even if it's free, you would be thoroughly disappointed all the same. the only plus points about it is that the choreography for the dancers/dances were fantastique. i'm so proud of bill calhoun. bcoz the dancing was really good. as in, equivalent to those off-broadway shows, [if i say like broadway, it would be a little over the top, eh?] with nimble dancers, and unsual, unrepetitive dance moves. anyhow, the singing wasnt that bad lar. i was just anticipating gurmit singh to attempt singing in PCK's voice, but all i got was wonderful crooning from him. yes, his vocie was awesome, but it wasn;t in character at all. and that sucked. oh, and one song is about some chef for the party, and he was the famous KEN WOO, as he pronounced it in song. but guess wad? it's the lamest shit ever. there was a banner right above that read "KENWOOD". how lame righT? wtf.
i'm still reeling in shock at the extent in whch singapore was being promoted. to think i just heard that they wanted to bring the show to neighbouring countries. can you just imagine the look on those foreigners' faces? like, WTf, why do we have to sit and listen to this shit? let's jsut toss some grenades onstage for good measure. ooooh!!!!!!!!another thing. the microphone volumes were so darn loud, my head was pounding with every breath those actors spoke. sheesh. then i realized, when the show ended why they needed to turn up the volumes. there were two bus loads of old folks' who had been invited to view the show. but goddamn it, i dont wanna be as deaf as them right now!!!! i'm 60 years away from that.
i have a whole string of complaints about this horrendous production, a waste of 3 million dollars, and they still had the cheek to say that they incorporatd foreign talent to help make it a 'success'. bullshit. oh, one other good thing besides the dancers, the orchestra. those poor folks were concealed by a screen the entire time, till the end. i think they deserved some credit in drowning out the tackiness of the show. one booboo they did, actually playing the 'singapura. oh singapura..' song at the end, so the damn actors could sing along. wad the fuck. if the government really wanted to show such a politically correct show, how come not a single person of another race was onstage, besides sheikh haikel for a brief moment as the fortune teller. no indian was part of the. nothing. everyone was chinese, they got someone to sing a cantonese/hokkien song, which i havent a clue wad it meant, as the subtitles were all in chinese. all in all, it was pretty rotten. oh, but i kinda liked sheikh haikel's number. so typical of him, it was the best, with a damn nice backdrop to boot.
ooooh, last complaint. the taxi driver. 'jesus loves you', my fucking ass. he stops by the side of the road, and tells us 'hey, i can pick 5 of you, becoz look at my sign, it says 'jesus loves you' and i ought to help you out, esp since you all look like you're gonna be late." ok, first we thought, hey great! we boarded the cab. he didnt switch on the meter, so we thought, whoa, excellent, free ride. he had all these jesus ornaments and appendages. then he went on about how jesus can see when we do good, blah blah. funny thing is, out of the five of us i was the only christian, catholic to be exact. the rest were muslim. i swear, the driver was one of those crazy christians. he ate, breathed, slept about god. so staunch. then the worst happened. we reached the indoor stadium, it took only 5 minutes. but guess how much the fare amounted to? $10!!!!! without the meter being switdt all!!!! how can that be you may ask? bcoz the fucking jesus-lover is a money making cheating machine! h was like, "$10, bcoz $2 each..." fucker!!!! he's a fucking asshole. wtf! i cld have taken a cab from ym hse straight to kallang and i think it would amount to abt only $9++ tops. unbelievable. now you know why i think the most pious of people are he biggest hypocrites of them all.
okok. shall stop here. it's senseless to go on and on. anyone wanna know how the musical was like first-hand, can ask me. i'll give you the nitty gritty details. inclding how the ushers spent most of their time in hiding.
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