below is my wondrously amazing october exam results. no, i dont wanna gloat about my less-than-average achievements, but look! i didnt fail anything, for once! and im elated, despite grabbing a cupful of C's and D's in the process. just satisfied with passing, ok? so from here on forth, i shall slowly work my way up the ladder. my goal for my diploma is to get at least 2 A's in the core module section, right now i have zero.

no "F"s for me
copyright my ass
why should i be shy about my results? everyone knows i;ve been failing, so here, before you all start asking if i failed anything once again, i took the initiative and pasted it here for public viewing. excellent. ok, so i'm off to go do something productive. if you consider lounging around, reading a storybook or flipping through animal-oriented encyclopedia as productive.
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