i know it's really evil to laugh, but when i saw this mail dwindling around in my ngee ann mailbox, i just had to laugh. never have i ehard of people ever trying to 'sabo' someone this way before. never. it's really really funny. ok, if any year two's from aquaculture read this, well, sorry to burst the seriousity of it, but it's kinda hilarious when well, i wasn't quite anticipating photos, i clicked on the photo links by fluke, and *poof* here they are. ben,alvin, yao, have you ever seen a case like this? or has anyone from my level? i jsut cldnt resist posting them up for public viewing. the shots are excellent. to think this is only the second week of the experiment. lucky kiddies. so they won't really have lost everything. cld always start a new tank, i think they would be bale to catch on time. as in, their results would still have a chance of getting an accurate reading n it's growth and yadda-yadda. omg, im still laughing a the sight of the photos. now this is funny shite, in comparison to that lame ass PCK musical. poor kiddos who loast their pets. oh well, gotta go draw some graphs for amb. omg, i cant believe im actually condoning to repeating all these blasted topics of severe unimportance and disinterest to me. i can feign interest. ahhahaa. okok. gotta go. wheeeeeeeeeeeee......listening to all my Matchbox 20 and Rob Thomas songs. having a marathon on him. so hott. *swooon*

tank of 'clean' doom
copyright my ass

upclose - this was all in some email dr nevil sent out.
copyright my ass

fate of the innocent
copyright my ass
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