the night out

at holland v. for dinner.had thai express! with many insects flying around.

some place below hooters.heh. evidently,owing tom the fact that hooters was just above us,the urge to become crazy was overwhelming for amanda lee,and that led to her insane behaviour. when i say crazy,i mean illogical,irrational,downright loony.
happy bday to my brother and joyleen,do u all remember her? oh,my freaking brother got an mp3/cd-r/fm discman. so not fair. with plug-in speakers so he can get surround sound in his room.bleah. not fair. unfair. ok whatever,shant mope around. must study. 20 amino acids and their structures,how to remember all that when i have the memory of a gray and old spinster? oh well. off i go.
p.s.:damn, all my links and such got pushed down to the bottom. oh well.
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