i think im becoming a lush. almost. but i had better enjoy myself before the dreaded results, righto? i dont have any pictures from the post dnd at mos, andi dont think i want any of those pictures anyway. ahhaha. because i bet i look piss in it. had multitudes of fun with the people that i think i wont see anymore. hohum, i think i might miss them. hahahaha. mos made the lsct pple look less like dudderbumdiddlydogoodersquats. or maybe it was just the atmosphere. hah.
anyhooow, that was thurs. then came friday. how can i resist an invite to cleo bachelor's event? like hello! many thnaks to jappo and rudith for inviting trina and myself. big smiles pls. ahhaha. that was eventful let me post some pics.

oooh, and some pics from our free choclate bingeing!!! ahhaa. look at their faces of guilty pleasure. omg la. there was too much chocs to the brink of explosion. i think we even threw away an entire box.

so i had my fun. saturday was spent with annabelle, eunice and pork, mini-celeb for eunice's bday, which is today! happy bday eunice!!! hahahha.
shites, i cant be bothered to do my lit review, i lost morale on trudging to nus, i've given up hope on academics reallly. parents where just ranting on about how i go out too much, and how i had better acquire a diploma by this time next year. hmm, i dont think that's about to happen. plot plot plot. i need an alternative route. maybe im being overly paranoid again. but my luck has been shittles. rmb my spoilt ipod earphones? well now, my handphone is busted. the same handphone that had been salvaged previously from the washing machine, is now officially spoilt. the screen doesnt light up. it's perpetually living in darkness. only the noisy keypad lights up. which makes smsing and trying to return missed calls extremely difficult. i suck. the same day my handphone let me down, was also the same day i failed my driving once again. friday. that fucking dreaded friday. i was confident that i wld do better than the last time round. my warmup test was promising. the isntructor said just becareful about my speed, but everything seemed a-okay. i was set and ready to go. came to the waiting room. i saw some lenient testers were present today, so i prayed so hard for my name to be called third. i was called third, but fuck it, they started from the middle so i got stuck with a fucking tester called christopher ho. motherfucker. kept scolding me nonstop. without fail, even when i said hi to him he chided me for wasting time. later on, he cldnt stop reprimanding me for nothing in particular, to the point where i cracked. i cldnt take it anymore. i cldnt park because he distracted me, he fucking slammed the ebrakes and accused me of not stopping for a pedestrain when i was clearly 45metres away from thecrossing. fuck him. immeidate failure. im pissed. my luck sucks.
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