every year without fail, my mother would travel to novena church after work to pray for HIV vicitms. every year on 1st of december. which also happens to be her birthday. it becomes so routine, that we all know the celebrations would be after 7 or 730. today happens to be world AIDS day again. singapore decided to finally screen angels in america on tv. but it's alright, coz i told my dad to buy the dvd back. anyhow, back to today.
i feel AIDS has left a deep hole on this earth. a recent emergence, recent being less than 30 years, it seems to have hit hard. just saw the news today, and it mentioned that there were 198 new cases in singapore alone since january 2005. we have over 2000 AIDS patients here, not counting those who have passed on. today's been nothing but AIDS awareness on tv for me. television, as well as the internet, i was just checking out the staying-alive.org website.
why do i feel that we should support AIDS awareness? because my mom believes strongly in it. to her it is real. she knows people who suffer from it, several of her friends have died from it. yes, so the majority of those that she knows who have contracted the disease tend to be homosexual males, it doesnt mean heteros and females dont get it too. but it is kinda sad that someone you know has died due to hiv. she saw them suffer through sarcoma, and various other venereal diseases. but i think sarcoma was the worst, since she told me it made the person look different. my mom feels sad when she thinks about her friends suffering, she visited some of them before they died, and she told me they all looked the same. those who have contracted aids tend to look alike as the disease progresses. i dont know how far this is true, but they apparently loook thin, weak, sickly, losing hair, and always remain in a curled up position.
there is a story about an unfaithful spouse. it is said when the person u contracted the disease from is a person you love. acquiring it from a stranger is not as bad, because it is your own responsibility, your own fault, you took that risk. but from a loved one, someone you trust, the emotional suffering is the one that kills you. is this why singapore has incorporated the hiv testing before marriage? in a way it is good, to prevent the spread of the disease, to prevent future children from contracting it from their mothers, but it also is a test of loyalty. can u trust the person you love so much? but, what if someone is aware that their loved one has hiv? what if they still insist of spending their lives together? no one is to stop them right? then how do they get married? im confused by that fact.
i dont think i need to say anything more about this topic. we should use our own disgression as to how we should react to this increasingly popular syndrome. where a condom! tt's all i've been hearing all day. hah. ok, i really have no mood to type already. bcoz ive already written about this in my paper-n-pen diary, so yea, no point repeating it in a public portal.
ok, totally unrelated, but if any of you have star movies, aka ch58, watch 'eulogy'. it's hilarious. it's over-censored though, so if anyone has a dvd copy, pls loan it to me, thanks. but it really is funny. i swear. would i lie about comedy? go watch it. and of course, watch angels in america too.