ok, im too afraid to attempt to change the skin of my blog now, though i've found some super cool ones..as in..more to my liking,coz of the colours.yeps. so..wad's been going on with me life? not much. long and arduous journey. hmmm....oh,managed to pass my tests,though not sure abt physio. yeps. and guess wad? i have been proven to be a computer wiz now! yea!!! whY? coz i scored an A+ for ITP!!! ahahahhaa. wow. was so damn shocked at tt. ooooh. i've been "researching" on my vespas...sheesh..really want one now. as in rite now!! stupid parents... to quote them, "cars are better,their safer, i used to ride a motorbike(tt's dad!),blah-blah-blah..cars have 4 walls to shield you, i know ur gonna be a reckless driver," urgh..restrictions,barriers to achieving eternal bliss. yes, as i was speaking with nicole a while ago, we girls now understand why men get so stupidly in love with their vehicles..coz..vehicles..r sacred..they r a lover that we can neva..make love to? smthg lyke tt. my dream vehicles..no..i must get them!! Volkswagon beetle, and my VEspa!! the Vespa PX150 is sweet!!!!or the SPrints!!!but wad i really lyke r the Rally200 and the Allstate. woah..their lyke..sacred. okok. enough meaningless vespa rantings. Lambrettas arent too bad either!!the LD125 is nice! ahahaha. okok. wad else? oh, fuck shits, got to do tt stupid IS CATS thing on reliability..fuck lar. kathleen told me to come to sch..over my dead body!!
oh..how da hell do i add an image to my blog? i cant find the bloody html coding for it. forget. i still suck at computer stuff. lalalalala. fuck lar..i lost my stupid hospital form..so i gotta take a urine test..but dunno to test wad. damn fucking stupid me. okok.now gonna try my hand at editing some blog skins. sheesh. it's gonna take me..erm...3 months..so tune in then. so many days ahs passed on by, yet, i dunno wad to say now. coz maybe i woke up not too long ago. vespa!! yea..im trying to amke a vespa skin. coz i cant find any on the web!!!! yeps. vesssssssssspaaaaa!!! i cant even add a cool link i found!! well...just go check out this site pple : www.tshirthell.com its fucking cool! even the banner ads r cool...and they have lyke babyhell,etc,....ok..rite now gonna change my lappie desktop image to this toon girls riding a vespa. they look so..lesbian..ahaha. nah..they look lyke those gals at motor shows, u know..who pose on the vehicles..all clambered together..so more men wld buy the vehicle..each time thinking tt a woman wld be riding in it. i am mad. letting my wild imagination run away with me. oh yea! havent even written any decent fictitious stuff lately. stupid "square" poly course making me...dull,uncreative,boring. urgh. im boring!!!!!AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeps. the only stupid creative thing is CATS...and it suxx. not my cuppa tea. screw the motherfuckingwadevahisnameis CATS teacher.
have i mentioned that i neva wanna get marrried? or if i do..i dont eva wanna have kids?coz i fucking hate babies.yes..im mean,cruel.wateva u amy call it. but im just not a baby person. thing is..babies find me amusing,they wanna play with me, when all i feel lyke doing is kick them in the face. yes! take heed..keep ur children away from me..especially those between the ages of 3 - 9. yeps,. my sis is in tt age range(she's 8) and i cant stand the whiny little bitch. nah. sometimes she's fine...but she sure knows how to be a pain in the arse. yes..marriage...prob do it when im 50.then no chance for kids. well...ok.love may lead to marriage..but soon it wld lead to commitments(lyke financial ones),then responsibility for soemone else, soon, lead to hatred, exhaustion, no more freedom, then children. once these "awful defects of mankind" take centrestage, that's it. ur life is as good as over. ok. i see myself as a somewhat "bourgeoisie-istic" person. yes, i really wanna live on a ranch..or a farm. maybe bcoz ive neva been to one. i've been brought up in the urban environment,go for holidays in urban areas(coz my parents,mom in particular, do not fancy accomodating themselves in a barnyard), but all i wanna do is stay in a several acres land, with animals of many species,living side by side with the. horses, dogs, ctas, iguanas, cows, chickens,ducks, sheep, pigs, even exotic animals if possible. being a succesful veterinary, living on a ranch, spending my free time carrying out my passion(now, tt's a secret!) and just chilling in a place far from singapore. coz singaporeans are so fucking narrow-minded. they just cant except changes. and evry bit of change seems radical to them(look at the acceptance of homosexuals in the workforce, and allowing bartop dancing to make a comeback.)the media wld make sucha hoo0hah over it, thta soon enough, it wld surely become a restriction once again.if u know wad i mean. it suxx here. everything is censored beyond recognition. no one there's to come upfront abt issues bothering them. the government has instilled fear in us all. it calls for an uprising, but no one dares for fear of getting a "coveted" police record. tt's it? yes, it may be good to have such stringent rules,it prevents corruption, and bomb blasts and what-nots, but my heart pines for smthg known as "freedom of speech" whcih seems non-existent on this "sunny island". am i thinking too much? i dont think so. i look to use my brains for these aspects. yes, i tend to use my mind for personal interests rather than academics, so im still wondering if i was wise to choose a science course. ok. back to my self-debate. what is the use of correcting the movie age limits? doesnt the gov know tt the more u make a fuss over a certain censored movie, more pple wld then go looking for tt censored item. it's lyke telling a child not to touch something when ur gone, and when u come back, that object is broken. yes. it just invokes curiousity into the people. wad is so wrong that it had to get censoreD? it makes us all wonder..and when most of us do see the "censored clip/slide/picture/writing" we just shrug it off, or say "that's all?thought wad..chey" ahaha. smthg to tt effect. recently..ive been doing newspaper cuttings,and i came across several articles that expressed the views of the having racial issues in our schools. i mean, it's good that pple r willing to air their concerns in public forum lyke tt, but, nothing;'s being done abt it. we still have several chinese who think themselves superior,who r genuine racists. yes, cracking racist jokes r all in the name of fun, i mean i crack indian racist jokes to my indian friends,etc, and they dont take it to heart. it's a mutual understanding tt we all have. but i cant understand why pple can be so sensitive.yes, some jokes may be harsh...but these racial riots and indifferences are all caused by oversensitive pple. nothing else. tt the cause of it all. nowadays,everyone treats every arab person as a walking suicidal bomber,just coz we've been ingrained with the thought that terrorists=middle-easters. that's hurtful. yes. ok.ive typed so much,my fingers are exhausted(coz i only use two fingers to type, great,arent i? ahah) ok. shall go ponder over my thoughts again. i seem to lyke to think to myself a lot lately, maybe coz..there's no one else to talk to? i mean, everyone seems..so distant..and different. as in , this is not a common topic that i can discuss with anyone else. no one seems interested. maybe one person. but i dont communicate with him all the time. okok. yes, i love to joke,play arnd, talk cock, etc...just be carefree and worry-free, but, i lyke to think. alot. hahaha. unbelievable rite? joyce arriola thinking. yea. but these days. it seems the best thing to do.oh, i still dont think b4 i speak,but i think abt issues lar. ok. shall sign off here. look at the stupid quizzes i did. was bored.

You represent... playfulness.
Playfulness can often be mistaken for sluttiness or
flirtiness... Flirting is something you enjoy
doing, but you're mostly just about having fun.
You're into partying, and it's seems that
people enjoy your company as much as you enjoy
What feeling do you represent? brought to you by Quizilla

You come from the Ocean. You've always been drawn
to the sea, the sound of the waves, the crystal
blue water, near the sea is where you belong.
Where Did Your Soul Originate? brought to you by Quizilla
There is no doubt about it, you are a tomboy. You
dont care how you look or what people think
about you. All you care is that you are not
ready to grow up, you just want to stay the age
you are so you can climb trees and everything.
You r kinda like my best friend. Go you!
Are u a tomboy, prep, girlie girl, jock, or a nerd?(girls only, unless u r gay) brought to you by Quizilla
swear word

your asshole.
What swear word are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Yea,that's rite...shuddup u stupid asshole!!!